Carrywater - business architects

Building your IT strategy


Dynamic changes taking place in the operating environment of organisations force them to implement new business strategies or modify the existing ones. However, in order for the changes implemented in the business area to be effective, they must be augmented with appropriate IT support. Unfortunately, it is not always provided.

While developing their business strategy, organisations sometimes define their requirements for the IT area but fail to specify precise guidelines. They simply expect that the appropriate support shall be ensured.

Carrywater’s solution

We develop an IT strategy that aids the execution of the organisation’s business strategy.

We start our work by analysing the business strategy of the enterprise and identifying the measures that must be taken in the IT area to ensure efficient support for the execution of the business strategy.

In order to identify those measures, we set strategic objectives aligned with the existing business objectives and choose the methods and metrics for their implementation. We define those measures in a number of dimensions: an organisational one, a process one and an infrastructural one.

Business value

We ensure that a clear IT strategy is developed that supports the organisation’s business strategy. We develop it in a way that allows its operationalisation, i.e. the translation of the strategic IT objectives into specific operational initiatives and projects.


Depending on the scope agreed, our involvement usually produces the following deliverables:

  • IT Strategy

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