Carrywater - business architects

Optimisation of IT systems architecture


In modern organisations, numerous processes are supported by IT systems. However, their architecture can sometimes be designed in a way that does not allow reaching optimal efficiency of the support it is intended to provide or the cost efficiency of the solutions in place.

Carrywater’s solution

We define an optimal architecture for the company’s IT systems based on:

  • its strategic goals (business and IT objectives),
  • the special features and limitations of the existing IT architecture,
  • the best industry practices.

Our design work of the architecture of the IT systems covers both their hardware and the software layer. We optimise both the costs of systems maintenance and upgrading as well as their future development and expansion.

Business value

Carrywater defines the architecture of its Customers’ IT systems in a way that ensures its best support to the company’s business objectives and thus enables success in pursuing its strategic goals. The Customer learns about the costs of upgrading and maintaining its organisation and is presented with estimated costs of its future development.


Depending on the scope agreed, our involvement usually produces the following deliverables:

  • Description of IT architecture

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